
Aa2 mods hf
Aa2 mods hf
  1. Aa2 mods hf install#
  2. Aa2 mods hf mod#

AA2 was highly anticipated, so a lot of people were willing to dedicate their time to it.

aa2 mods hf

Edit: On that note, does anyone have the FR3. Maybe less than a month? I don't really remember, but I remember it was fast. I know its a bit off topic, but given A lot of HS modding and Repack work comes from HF, I think it needs to be said: What the fuck happened to Hongfire About a month or so ago, the site was up and working fine, and now it redirects to trends.gb.net. They had a machine translation up in days and a real translation up in.

Aa2 mods hf install#

Install the latest Artificial Academy 2 HF Patch (the latest version includes all official patches, so you dont have to worry about your game not being up to date). I remember when AA2 first came out and the /hgg/ thread and Hongfire were kind of racing to translate it. Install the Artificial Academy 2 DLC HF Patch. Premium Play Darkness English + DLC + HF PATCH NEWEST Premium Play Darkness English + DLC + HF PATCH NEWEST. EDIT: I see you posted a link to the HF Patch thread, but I might as well post a second one to the forum section: Once done installing open DLC then Artificial Academy 2 DLC HF Patch then double click ArtificialAcademy2-DLCHFPatch1.0.7 install it and dont change anything unless you know what your doing this will update the game and install the free DLC and pre-order dlc. In short, it makes your game run smoother, it makes your characters look pretty, and it makes the gameplay interesting.

Aa2 mods hf mod#

There's a forum section on Hongfire for the AA2 mods themselves, as well. AAUnlimited is a mod, and a mod framework for the game Artificial Academy 2 by Illusion. Artificial Academy - Mods, Tools, Translate, Launchers, Uncensors. If you want different directory location, edit aa2.reg as appropriate. This patch installs official official patches v2 to v12' (2.0.1 141015), Append Set I Support 141014, Append Set II Support 141110, English translations and uncensor for Artificial Academy 2 + Append Set I+II (if you have them) as well as other essential mods. Then run aa2.reg to insert proper registry keys so the game thinks it was installed officially. If anyone is going to play AA2 they're also going to want the Illusion Wizzard to install mods: This is a clean slate install of the game with only all the OFFICIAL patches, DLC and Append sets up to applied 3. I imagine these days they have easy installers with the translation and patches rolled into it. Buying it if you're in the west is actually quite difficult, since Illusion is skittish after that Rapelay incident, so procuring a free copy is far easier than just buying it.

Aa2 mods hf